alphabet soup
- n.字母汤(汤里含有字母形面食);代号语言(因含有许多符号或缩略语等而难懂)

Kim : my favorite ! And I want some alphabet soup , too !
Problems arise when Martha , the family dog , learns to speak after eating alphabet soup .
For studio marketing executives , the result can be an alphabet soup of competing analyses .
This alphabet soup mainly had to do with how the EU manages its books .
I did say that a plan for Disclosure was approved by all the various " alphabet soup " agencies .
Phoebe : I brought you alphabet soup .
J2EE is a veritable alphabet soup of technologies , each described by a catchy acronym .
The rationale for concocting this alphabet soup is the desire to create funds linked to illiquid asset classes .
The alphabet soup of abbreviations this generated was often as baffling as the products that the acronyms represented .
Thinking I was being cute I spelled out " Marry Me " in alphabet soup , because that 's her favorite .
Alphashares waded through a whole alphabet soup , in fact , to build an index including H shares ( listed in Hong Kong ) and selected Chinese companies listed in the US .
For more than a decade , Americans have mostly watched from the sidelines as Asians organise themselves into an alphabet soup of new trade pacts and regional institutions .
I got home feeling quite high from excitement of winning the best producer award and the lack of food . Thankfully , I got home to some watered down chicken alphabet soup .
Those rating agencies have earned huge sums in the past ten years offering opinions on the creditworthiness of an alphabet soup of mortgage-related securities created by over-eager banks .
Therefore , the real key to the alphabet soup of ETL vs. ELT vs. TEL , is flexibility and the ability to support the technique that best suits the job at hand .
But the key problem now is not so much a lack of cash - but co-ordination : as fear spreads , a bewildering alphabet soup of different agencies and task forces is leaping into cyber battle , often with little collaboration .